This month's Full Moon forms two major aspect patterns in the sky that bring the feeling of more challenges on top of what we have already. Yet when faced with a balanced approach this will bring a rewarding sense of achievement.
There is a need to face our responsibilities in the part of your chart ruled by Capricorn. Perhaps the way things have been done to date isn’t enough and needs revision. It is time for a change to face responsibilities in a new way that karma is making you face. It will feel foreign and unusual but it is a much-needed change. Talk it through with loved ones as you really aren't alone in this.
Uranus makes a grand cross with the Nodal Axis and the Full Moon, so if you are doing things one way for a long time and they aren’t working, it may be time to go about things another way as karma guides you. If you don’t, Pluto will make sure you will.
This is a good thing! It will change things up for you and you'll wonder why on earth didn’t I do it earlier. Also, Uranus will ensure that this new way of doing things will be outside of the box and will allow you to own up to your responsibilities.
There are lessons here and it is far from ominous. This probably makes you wonder, “Goodness all these changes?!” Yes, but it won’t be as abrupt as it sounds as the Full Moon makes a nice link to Neptune that will make it more pleasant and gradual.
Full Moon Times around the World:
Sydney: 14/7/22 04:38
Athens: 13/7/22 21:38
Manila: 14/7/22 02:38
London: 13/7/22 19:38
Los Angeles: 13/7/22 11:38
For your Full Moon Forecast and how these changes relate to you, read your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign below.
Aries: For you, it is a time when you wonder where you will head with your public standing or career. You may feel that you need to stretch beyond the borders of the country or state you reside. Opportunities from afar may beckon but be aware that first, you must sort out what is going on at home.
Taurus: There may have been some recent revelations or something will be revealed under the light of this Full Moon. One thing is for certain, things won’t seem the same again. These revelations may ask you to question your faith in one way or another or your faith in someone. You will look back on this time and be all the better for it once these issues are out in the open.
Gemini: The emphasis of this Full Moon is on your relationships and the power you have and give others. If you find yourself stifled or wonder how is it that others determine things for you now, you probably gave your power away. It is one thing to compromise and another thing to let go of your power.
Cancer: Your work routines and relationships may be transformed under this Full Moon. The balance needs to be restored between the two as one is getting more focus than the other. And the other is suffering. Things need to be done differently now. The status quo doesn’t cut it anymore.
Leo: What was that saying? “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”…and Leo’s are anything BUT dull! You are the life of the party but lately, it has been either too much work or too much play. Both are good but the balance needs to be restored!
Virgo: More oomph will be injected into your home life. By that, I mean more fun at home. You may feel the need to have friends and family over and entertain or do the hobbies you have left behind again. You may be considering how to make your beloved hobbies a side hustle as well or find something new to do at home. Full Moons are times of endings but where there is an ending there is also a beginning. So start looking into those new hobbies and ways to entertain loved ones at home again.
Libra: Short getaways with loved ones are well highlighted this month. Perhaps you have been stuck at home and bogged down with so many responsibilities that you can’t see a way out. Find ways to nurture yourself more. Sure we all have responsibilities to care for our loved ones but without caring for ourselves, we won’t be able to care for others.
Scorpio: Your self-worth in your relationships with close friends and family will come under the beams of the Full Moon this month. Are your relationships equal? Are you receiving the respect you deserve and treating others equally? More importantly, are you respecting yourself as much as you deserve so others can follow suit? The focus will also fall on your finances and working out if you are being remunerated for the work you are doing for others.
Sagittarius: This Full Moon is highlighting the responsibility you have in your self-respect. Also, your self-esteem will also be focused on during this cycle. It is time to be kind to yourself and to realise that you are worth it! Don’t let the insecurities of others get you down.
Capricorn: Pluto is doing a number on you during this Full Moon dear Capricorns. By that, I mean that whatever brings you joy and sparks that light in your eyes, Pluto will change it if it doesn’t ignite that spark anymore. He may transform how you see into reigniting that passion again or it may be time to let it go. Make sure your ego doesn’t get in the way and if it does Pluto will ensure it won’t. If this Full Moon feels like a struggle for you? It’s your ego doing a battle with Pluto.
Aquarius: There may have been some recent events where you have attended gatherings with friends and may have felt out of place. This is foreign to you as it is all about friends for you. Friends are holy and like family. Remember that sometimes, people leave our lives because we have taught and learned all there is from each other while together. Don’t burn the bridge, just let them go.
Pisces: The focus will be on work groups and the work community/industry that you are a part of as well as where you stand in these collective organisations. It may be time to rethink your responsibilities or do things differently. Either way, it will seem as clear as mud to you. Observe and act accordingly closer to the next New Moon. You should have your answers then.