“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” —Louis L’Amour.
I’m back! My holiday was AMAZING! Seven years had lapsed since we last visited our family in the Philippines. It was time to catch up with everyone. We had a long to-do list and that included wearing sunscreen and repellant religiously. I didn't want to contract dengue again like last time.
We did all on that list. Except for one time I didn’t wear sunscreen. My shoulders turned into a nice shade of lobster red. This later turned into a lovely Mediterranean glow after a few days. My kids didn’t burn but their Filipino genes kicked in under the equatorial sun with a gorgeous tan. I am jealous. I understood more of the language this time as I knew more of it and my limited Spanish was also helpful. I knew when they were gossiping too! I do have still a lot to learn of course. It was also a trip where I saw more woo-woo stuff happen than I ever thought possible. It was also a trip that allowed us to finish things so that new things could reign.
This trip was a great escape from the Western world. I returned refreshed and this is the case on the 1st of November. The New Moon in Scorpio is a refreshing beginning. This is where we need to see what must go from our lives. Old limiting beliefs are to be replaced with new ones. But I’m not talking about superficial stuff. I am talking about getting deep. Look at what affects your emotions and work through them.
It is time to get honest with yourself and others as Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the 3rd of November. There is no holding back so try and be diplomatic. You may find yourself putting your foot into your mouth. But have a better ability to explore the world through the mind. With the asteroid Juno moving into Scorpio, we will want to explore our relationships deeply.
We may take centre stage with something we are passionate about. We may also feel more energetic when Mars moves into Leo on the 5th. As Persephone moves into the sign of Capricorn on 6th November making a quincunx to Mars, we may find that we will face issues with our ego.
Mercury moves into its shadow period on 12th November, as Venus moves into Capricorn. We may see Mercurial things go lopsided as the retrograde period approaches. Yet with Venus in Capricorn, we will want attention and things to be direct. It isn't a time to be vague. This is a sexy placement too. Think of a calm river. There is always a lot more going on under the surface. With this placement, we may rediscover our sexy side and get more exciting in the boudoir. This ties in well with us making further discoveries. The challenge lies with Mars in Leo making a trine to Juno. So we are guided to watch our egos and let ourselves explore what the skies present us.
On the 15th of November, the Full Moon in Taurus brings a twist as it is in conjunction with Uranus in the same sign. Expect the unexpected to appear from the ethers. This Full Moon is like a stable Fool card in Tarot. You may be hanging upside down to seek the clarity you crave but you won’t be swinging like a pendulum. The inspiration will directly come to you. There is a need to find what is right for you with Ceres in Capricorn making a trine to this Full Moon. Ensure what comes from the ethers feels right and is nurturing on all levels.
On the 19th of November, Pluto moves into Aquarius! And Pluto is direct! If things have slowed down for you, they will go full steam ahead. This will bring the other outer planets into direct motion again but we’ll get to that when that happens. With Pluto in Aquarius, we can see the new era kick in for good. Your Pluto in Capricorn years, for this incarnation, has finished. Start over a new chapter once and for all.
Happy Birthday to all Sagittarians as the Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd of November! This will give our archers a lovely burst for the year ahead. On this day it makes an easy opposition to the nodal axis bringing an air of karma to this placement.
On the 26th of November, Mercury goes retrograde the sign of Sagittarius. Those with this placement will find things cruising more than ever. For the rest of us, well you know the drill. Back everything up, quadruple-check everything and ensure you understand clearly before proceeding. Also, don’t sign on the dotted line unless you want to revisit things later.
This month is a new exploration in our lives as things finish up for good. As I found on this trip to the Philippines. We put the past (especially for Mr Aquarius) to rest, to start the new chapter as Pluto wants us to. And as daunting as that sounds, I find it to be exciting!
See you next month!
Astrological blessings,
Georgina xxx